
Couple Caught Having Sex On Drone Cam Goes Viral

A drone pilot attempting to take an aerial video of a church steeple got a shocking surprise this week as he caught a couple having sex on camera.

The footage, taken in Tver, Russia captures the couple in flagrante delicto for several seconds before they are interrupted. A tourist carrying a backpack walks up to the steeple to get a view from the top. In order to prevent him getting a view of anything else, the male member of the couple pulls away and zips up his pants.

NSFW (Obviously)

While this video has done the rounds online, some have questioned its veracity, wondering if it’s some kind of marketing stunt or staged event. Though possible, it’s pretty easy to tell that the pilot is initially more interested in the impressive tower of the church than any other tower on display. The footage of the busy couple is also seemingly too fuzzy for any determined attempt to intentionally produce a spurious viral video. That can’t be said for previous attempts to capitalize on drone use in a tawdry false fashion ala “Confessions of a Window Cleaner.”

Fake…so fake.

All in all we reckon this church steeple video highlights that in a world of commercially available drones on a massive scale, there is no such thing as a private place for some risky outdoor liaisons. The penalty of privacy is the price we pay for the benefit of being able to photograph anything from almost any angle. Though this is sad for some of the young lovers seeking a private quickie while out and about, we suppose it will continue to make voyeurs and exhibitionists out there overjoyed.

Bear in mind, though, that not every drone you see is attempting to perv on you, as this woman realised to much online furor in 2014.

Run awaaayyyy!

Are drones making it more difficult to have any expectation of privacy? Is that a good thing? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook.